Wednesday, November 29, 2006

A little Foggy

I think some of the teens have been over our house a litlle too much lately. Tonight I couldn't remember if I had a discussion about fog with Larry or Dave (one of the teen boys).

Scary. Both that I was discussing fog and couldn't remember who it was with.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


As the Holidays are gearing up things are settling down around the Daily Castle. The Christmas decorations are up and the presents are mostly bought.

Larry and I went shopping the day after Thanksgiving. My parents kept the girls so we could get up early and hit the stores. Of course we are not morning people so early for us was 7:00. Next year I'm going to try to talk him into that Midnight shopping at Birch Run. That is more my style. Or we could go to Meijer at 3:00 am and just shop until 5 am then check out.

I never said I wasn't crazy.

We scored some great deals and parking places, I might add. Larry wanted to go because a lot of techno geeky stuff was really cheap. A Blue tooth headset for $10! I think he thought that would be a great gift for me. Hah! I guess nerds get up early because all that stuff was gone.

We walked into Target and walked out. The line wrapped around the entire store and weaved in between aisles. Crazy!

Meijer was the best. They price match exact items. They had great sales and we walked right through to the self check out and didn't have to wait in a line.

We got presents for all the cousins and a couple for our kids and we were home by 10. Yeah!

Let the Wrapping begin!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Joke of the Day

Claire and I were watching Jeopardy! together the other night and an answer came up about Lincoln dying in a theater.

Claire: Abraham Lincoln died in a theater?

Me: Yes. He was shot.

Claire: Oh. I thought maybe he choked on popcorn....or Raisinets.

Friday, November 10, 2006


But seriously. check out those eyebrows. Maybe Christina can help her out with those when she is a little older.

(the make-up is from halloween)

And We're Back

The Apple people came through in the end . The computer was fixed in only 3 days instead of the 7-10. I picked it up last night and they even offered to carry it to the car for me right then . No waiting. But I wasn't takng any chances and lugged the thing out to the van myself.

My faith has been restored. All is well.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Apple Update

An update on the computer situation. I checked online Saturday night and my computer was ready to be picked up. Of course, the Apple people did not call me and tell me to pick it up. I had to figure that out on my own. It was 7:30. I had time for a quick 40 minute trip to the mall. I was desperate. I wanted my computer back.

I got to the store around 8:15. The Mac "Genius" got my computer for me and I was all set. They will even carry it out to the curb for you because that 20 inch screen is heavy. Cool. The guy said he would be there in 5 minutes.

Now maybe if I was blond and beautiful it would have been 5 minutes. 15 minutes later I am still sitting at the curb. Finally, at 8:55 I think to myself. This guy is not coming. So I go back into the store and it is completely empty except for the black-shirted hip looking workers. They all look at me like why are you coming in here at 8:58.

I look at the Mac Genius, who isn't that smart after all. I told him I still haven't got my computer yet. Oh. Oops. We were really swamped.


So I get home with the newly fixed Apple with the new motherboard and power supply and plug it in. It works great.

For 30 minutes.

Then the screen goes black and the fan kicks on high gear.

So today I took The Geek with me to get some real service. He is blonde and thin. And he speaks their language.

Bottom line. 7-10 days. No computer.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Halloween Pics

We had a great time Trick or Treating with a few friends. I say this sarcastically because I hate to leave anyone out. So when we have a party it can get a little out of hand. So 30 of our closest friends came over for a trick or treating party. Otherwise know as "mob looting". Imagine 16 kids running up to your house yelling trick or treat (or in some cases I want candy!). Scary.

The adults were the scariest. We dressed as people from the 80's. Peg legged jeans, polo shirts with collars up and lots of gel and Aquanet. For you youngsters that were not around then or too little to remember, rent The Breakfast Club. That should pretty much cover all the fashion basics of the 80's.

Gag me with a spoon.

Claire as a Astronaut or Escaped convict. It was hard to tell in the dark.

The three little goblins.

Emma as a 50's girl.

Pirate of the suburbs.

More scary pictures at the link

The Only Susy

Susannah is definitely one of a kind.
LogoThere is:
person with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?