Tuesday, May 30, 2006

My Little Surfer Girl

We took the kids to the beach for memorial day and Claire really took to the waves. It was like she has been surfing for years! I guess it's in her blood.

Saturday, May 27, 2006


Check out www.icryptex.com for really funny spoof. If you're not familiar with the premise of The DaVinci Code or if you're not aware of the cult-like following held by Apple, then the spoof may be lost on you. I found it to be quite rich and pretty hilarious for just one page. I wonder if Steve Jobs has an albino monk running around doing his bidding!

Friday, May 26, 2006

Would you like a shake with that?

Wow. A fry holder. Who would have thought?

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Honk Honk Beep Beep

Why is it when the doctors had to cut my first child out of me because her heart beat was dropping I calmly agreed? Why is it when my child turned blue with a fever of 105 degrees I calmly took her to the hospital? When the baby fell and smashed her nose flat and it immediately turned blue I calmly got a bag of ice and called the doctor. I was calm when my van was burguralized.

But ... When I come out the grocery store and my key fob doesn't unlock the car and I use my key to open the door which sets off the alarm when I start the van I freak out. The horn keeps beeping and I start to panic because the key thing isn't working and that is the only way I know to turn off the alarm. And my ice cream is melting. The kids think it is funny that the horn continues to beep. I'm more upset that my ice cream is melting.

I finally pull it together, shut the car off and go back into the store to buy a battery for the alarm button thingy praying that it works or we are going to have to drive home with the horn beeping all the way.

I thought to myself as I was changing that battery why is it so hard to trust God with the little insignificant things that interrupt our day. If I can trust Him with the "big things" why can't I remember that He is in control of everything?

Even batteries and car alarms.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


I got a forwarded email from a family member this morning with the above subject line. I had seen the email before. It promises that internet users can receive a cash reward for forwarding messages to test a Microsoft/AOL e-mail tracking system. You know something is up when the thing says 73 times in three paragraphs that "really, this is true, trust me. I know about these things." I pointed them to Snopes.com for the history of that old email hoax.

It made me think about the old adage, "It if sounds too good to be true, then it probably is." It is a very good rule of thumb on the internet and in email. In fact, I've only found a few exceptions to that rule in my lifetime. :-) Here are a few of them:

1. Salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone
2. My wife loves me and actually chose to marry me!
3. My three daughters
4. Community Baptist Church
5. www.freeipods.com (I actually got one!)
6. Coffee News

There are a few more but a sweet deal from Bill Gates for forwarding an email is not one of them. :-)

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Happy Birthday Larry!

34 things I like about Larry in honor of his 34th birthday.

1. His faithfulness to God
2. His faithfulness to his family
3. His dimples
4. His skateboarding abilities
5. How everyone loves him
6. How he acts like he is everyone's friend
7. That he likes everyone
8. He likes to play games
9. His taste in clothes
10. His positive attitude
11. His ability to make me laugh even when I am upset
12. He's funny
13. His patience with our children
14. That he teaches his daughters how to mow the lawn
15. His sweet computer skills
16. That he is willing to help me with my computer skills
17. He loves Apple computers
18. He never says a bad word about anyone. EVER.
19. The way he organizes his closet
20. The way he sleeps perfectly flat with the covers over his head
21. He does the laundry
22. He does the dishes
23. He always leaves the pots for me to wash
24. He has never yelled at me
25. His buddah belly
26. He is always ready to have fun
27. He can never remember anyone's name
28. He buys me chocolate just because
29. He still sends me flowers
30. He makes a conscience effort to spend time alone with each of our daughters
31. He likes strawberry rhubarb pie
32. He lets me put food I don't like on his plate
33. He thinks I'm funny
34. He knows when to talk and when to shut up

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Must See TV

The New Apple Ads had me cracking up. PC users, proceed with caution.