Thursday, March 02, 2006

Just One of Those Days

Do you ever just have one of those days? One where nothing seems to go right and your running in circles and yet nothing is getting done. Yep, it has been one of those days!

Thursday is the only day I officially have to drive Susy to Allen Park for school. Larry is at a meeting so I have to get all three girls up and out the door by 8. It helps if they are all dressed too. I know this doesn't sound all that hard, but we are NOT morning people.

This morning we were in the van at 8:03. The road looks a little icy, but I assume there is school because Susy's school NEVER calls off for weather. As I hit the highway it starts to rain ICE! Traffic is crawling at 30-35 mph. I think to myself I should just go home. This is ridiculous. There shouldn't be school today. What is that principal thinking?! We continue on and I cheer as we pull into the school parking lot at 8:25. Not bad for inclement weather!

But something is wrong. There are no other cars pulling into the lot late like me because of the weather. In fact, there are no tire tracks in the ice in the parking lot. I groan.

There is no school. It's cancelled. The girls groan. We could be sleeping. We could be sitting at home in our jammies watching Arthur. UGH!

So we go out to breakfast. Nice save Mom.

After breakfast it is to Sam's club which is always fun with two or three kids. At least they got a free lunch of fish, polish sausage and spicy chicken wings.

We come home and the house is a disaster. I ask the girls to clean up. Two hours and several reminders later they are finally finished. But not until after someone stopped up the toilet and then flushed. Let's just say a lot of bleach was involved in the clean up.

After that kind of day (okay, it wasn't so bad) a mom has to have a "I can't stand to even think of cooking" meal. Here is mine.

Don't laugh. They are actually both very good. And ready in 8 minutes. Throw a veggie on the side and your good to go.

The house is clean, the laundry is put away and everyone's belly is full.

It's just another day.

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Lol, Julie, I am laughing at my desk at work! Thanks for sharing this story. I know it probably wasn't funny when you were living it but like many things in life, hopefully you can look back fondly and laugh.